AN ADDRESS presented by

The Rt. Hon (Senator) Anyim Pius Anyim,

the President of the Senate,

Federal Republic of Nigeria

to the General Assembly,

World Igbo Congress, USA.

The President, World Igbo Congress,

The Organisers of this great event,

Invited Guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen.

Let me on behalf of the Senate, and the National Assembly, Federal Republic of Nigeria send to you our warmest greetings and best wishes.

I wish to also express my deep regrets for not being physically present here to share with you this great opportunity of Igbo solidarity and brotherhood. I admire your spirit of unity, love, togetherness and concern for peace and development in Nigeria. I am pleased to state before you that in spite of several obstacles which our young Democracy is faced with at the moment, the issue of an enduring Democracy in Nigeria, rule of law, free enterprise and press freedom can no longer be debated. Democracy has come to stay in Nigeria and it will last forever.

We in the Senate are determined more than ever before to protect, defend and promote Democracy and rule of law in Nigeria. The frequent changes in the leadership of the National Assembly should not give you any cause for concern. It is part of our Democratic freedom. These changes have resulted in the present situation where the Senate and the National Assembly are being gradually re-positioned to play a leading role in promoting peace and grass-root development in Nigeria through people-oriented legislations.

The present high rate of poverty in Nigeria is unacceptable to the National Assembly. We are prepared to work closely with all arms of government to restore our people’s confidence in the ability of government to provide the greatest good for the greatest number of our people.

‘Ndi Igbo’ must use a medium like the World Igbo Congress to rediscover ourselves in the Nigeria political arrangement. We must be prepared to be our brother’s keeper. We must be prepared to support the move to restore Igbo unity and solidarity. These are possible by constantly developing more interest in how Nigeria is governed. It is also important for us to play positive role in the search for a stable polity and equitable allocation of wealth.

I wish to assure you all, that the crop of Igbo Parliamentarians in the National Assembly cannot compromise the interest of our people for any selfish gains.

Be assured that political situation at home is peaceful. Be equally sure that a lot of changes are taking place under our new Democracy. Also, under the new Democratic Nigeria, the Igbos will never be forgotten again in the scheme of things.

Let me once again, thank you for this invitation and in an occasion like this. Extend my appreciation to all your members and share my best wishes with all Nigerian’s in the United States.

God bless Nigeria.